Growing up we watched cartoons, sci-fi movies, read comic books, and at one point in time we all dreamed about having some form of a super power. Before the year 2020, we all in some shape or form put athletes, celebrities, public figures, sporting events, entertainment, dining out, and personal travel on a pedestal. We labeled those individuals and experiences essential, and at times they served as both healthy and unhealthy distractions to the reality around us. Depending on the experience or the individual, at times they were larger than life, exhilarating, and untouchable. One of the takeaways from 2020 was the mere fact that life didn’t pause, although it felt like it did. In actuality, what paused were all these external things we had once deemed essential.

Audio Version: Click Here to listen to my audio narration on YouTube

Use Your Superpower To Step Up for Others

You look at everything going on in the world--Texas, for example, with their recent weather crisis and winter storm. From watching the news, you see shades of hope where humanity steps up or individuals get creative with surviving as a community. Beyond the federal disaster relief on the way from the government, you see celebrities and companies stepping up, like the Beyonce Foundation (BeyGood), Adidas, and the Houston Disaster Relief Program, Bread of Life. The three are working together to provide relief to local Texans impacted by the winter storm. Using your public platform for the greater good of humanity is a superpower.

We might not have the superhuman powers of the Marvel heroes we watch on the big screen, read about in comics or see on Disney+.  Whether we realize it or not, we do have the ability to create change and step up as human beings. You never know the butterfly effect you can create by being your authentic self and doing your part. We often underestimate what it means to do something not just for yourself, but for the benefit of others. 

Selfless Compassion and Patience Goes a Long Way

Here in the East Coast, we are getting a full dose of winter storms and cold weather. The side streets get narrow with the mounds of snow and some of the apartment and condominium complexes are hit or miss with parking. As a PSA message to all, clear your steps, walkways, sidewalks, and parking spot fully for that next person that ends up parking there. In order for that to happen, everyone has to step up and do their part and if you know a neighbor isn’t physically able to, lend a hand and pitch in. Being selfless to others is a superpower.


While folks from the midwest or east coast are used to driving in snow or wintery conditions, it’s never fun or easy, and requires patience and compassion for others on the road. There are people that are blessed to have pick up trucks and SUVs with all-wheel drive and better traction than most sedans and vehicles on the road. Regardless of what you drive, just try to be patient with the other cars on the road with you. You never know who’s in that other vehicle and their comfort level in the moment. The truth of the matter is that 9 times out of 10, wherever you are in a rush to go, it isn’t life or death. Have some empathy and compassion, don’t ride up on people’s bumpers, and take a moment to consider that they are someone’s mother, father, sister, brother, or family member. Imagine if someone else was doing the same thing to yours. How would you feel if it caused an accident or something worse?  Patience is a virtue and also a superpower.

With or Without Us, Life Goes On

In the end, life can surely change. It can often feel like we are living in an alternate universe, and unfortunately all the things we wish we could do today will have to wait for a little bit longer. One of my favorite quotes is, “Life is not determined by what you want, life is determined by the choices you make.” Whether we like it or not, life will go on with or without us. Look at anything you left, whether it’s a job, an athletic team, a relationship, or something near and dear to you. Life doesn’t pause for anyone or anything, it just keeps going. 

Once you put ego aside and realize how fortunate you are to have your health, family, friends that care about you, a roof over your head, and the ability to create change in this world, you need to realize that you are truly winning. All of the things we complain about, wish were better, or dwell on are just temporary moments we’ll have to heal from and overcome. In life we have two choices--we can make excuses or we can step up and do something about it. Always remember there are countless people that would pray to have the things in our lives that we so often take for granted.  

Be grateful, and flex your super powers each day not just for yourself but for the greater good of humanity.


